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Team BCBroncos


Team B.C. Broncos was organized by Chuck Atkinson in early 2003. After the experience of chasing for Phil Moulton in the 2001 Baja 1000. Chuck felt that with knowledge he gain from 2001 Baja and years experience the group had working with broncos they could build a competitive class 3 vehicle. Their racer was built at Chucks shop by team members Jason Atkinson, Pat Scanlon and  Chuck. It was a year long process with most every decision being made by committee.

This is their final version of the 2004 racer. Though funded by B.C. Broncos, the volunteer labor by the team members and parts the sponsors donated to be race proven, combined to make a very capable class 3 racer.

Photo courtesy of Dan Wright

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comments about this web site. Last modified: 06/30/05